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小证更新|2025年2月27日 小证更新Z01 Z02 Z04
培训内容:Z01基本安全培训 Z02精通救生艇筏和救助艇培训 Z04高级消防培训
【 期待你投来的简历】最新船员招聘 - 7月3日
外贸不定线:150000吨散货内外兼营eto大电7月中上250000吨散货内外兼营三管轮近期320000-10000箱位集装箱船队-远洋大副近期420000-10000箱位集装箱船队-远洋大管近期520000-10000箱位集装箱船队-远洋二副近期620000-10000箱位集装箱船队-远洋三管近期720000-10000箱位集装箱船队-远洋水手近期821万吨散货远洋回国新证大厨做服务生7月底91200TEU集装箱远洋回国大副7月中1093000吨散货中东航线老轨7月上旬1193000吨散货中东航线代三管7月上旬1217000吨散货东南亚水手7月中1352000吨散货澳大利亚机工7月10日台湾上号外号外大量需要在安贝做过的船员  任何职位都可以欢迎在安贝做过的船员兄弟们联系我们!国内南北线:117000~19000吨集装箱连云港-北方or南方轮机长UEC主机近期27000吨集装箱渤海湾航线厨师-山东人近期37000吨集装箱渤海湾航线三副-北方人近期445000吨散货水头近期540000吨集装箱G证 三副近期61400箱位集装箱老轨做过瓦锡兰电喷或主机近期71400箱位集装箱大管做过瓦锡兰电喷或主机近期81400箱位集装箱ETR或ETO近期
船员帮 2023-07-06
有国企管理体制好多在船上落实不到位,部分船舶领导不负责任,功劳好处自己捞,出了问题就往船员身上推! 给公司写的事故报告也是想尽办法把自己撇清楚。拿我们船例子,电机吊杠螺丝没上紧漏水老轨直接开骂二管轮,老二觉得老轨辱骂不尊重人两个人便起了争执动手,老轨不反思自己直接去驾驶台联系公司要炒掉二管轮,公司说疫情期间换人难他就强压二管轮给他道歉,死活不说自己辱骂人家在先!二管轮不愿道歉老轨就天天跟机务说不炒掉二管轮也不扣工资让他没威严影响航行安全,分油机出问题二管轮熬了通宵最后让他去指导解决。老轨在打牌头都没抬一下!二管轮就只能呵呵了,有这样子的船舶领导在,船舶怎么可能不出事,也不知道公司提拔老轨的标准是什么,这样子的人怎么做的船舶三长,公司的体系再怎么完善,船上不落实没鸟用!建议严查事故不要听信船舶领导一面之词!就像前两天二管轮死亡事故,老轨肯定在场,怎么着都脱不了关系。
船员帮 2023-03-02
船员帮 2024-03-01
日前,中船澄西为交银金融租赁有限公司建造的最后一艘70000吨木屑船“SDM BEIHAI”号较合同交船期提前172天顺利交付,标志着中船澄西为交银金租精心打造的8艘系列木屑船项目圆满收官。自2021年中船澄西与交银金租签订8艘系列木屑船建造合同以来,中船澄西始终坚持以创造客户价值为中心,持续优化生产流程,严格把控生产环节。特别是该船建造期间,中船澄西深入践行“三赢”理念,充分汲取70000吨系列木屑船建造经验,持续深化精益生产,实现船台周期50天、关键周期134天、较合同交船期提前172天交付的优异成绩,刷新70000吨木屑船建造最好纪录。“SDM BEIHAI”号总长215米,型宽37米,型深25米,设计航速14.1节,入级美国船级社。70000吨木屑船是由SDARI设计公司在64000吨木屑船成果上研发的新船型,油耗更低、航速更高,满足船舶能效指数第三阶段标准,主要用于运输木屑等轻质货种,具备绿色环保、容积大等特点,各项性能效率指标均处于国际领先水平,可大幅降低客户运营成本。“SDM BEIHAI”轮的圆满收官,进一步巩固了中船澄西在木屑船建造领域的领先地位。下一步,中船澄西将继续践行“三赢”理念,强化价值创造,优质高效交付为交银金租建造的62000吨系列重吊多用途船,以精品船舶回报交银金租对中船澄西的信任与支持,持续增强中船澄西品牌的辨识度和认可度。
船员帮 2024-05-02
1. What are the responsibilities of the First Engineer on board a ship?答:The First Engineer is under the leadership of the Chief Engineer. He is responsible for the following. (1) Day-to-day running of the Engine room. (2) Management of the Engine department personnel. (3) Safety matters in the Engine room. (4) All maintenance and repair jobs on board ship (5) The main engine and its auxiliary equipment, steering gears, emergency equipments in engine room, etc. (6) Making and implementing the PMS (Planned Maintenance System) (7) Requisition for, receipt and control of spare parts and stores (8) Supervision of the jobs of engine crew. (9) Keeping watch from 0400 to 0800 and from 1600 to 2000 except for UMS operation.  2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List on your last vessel?答: I control and operate the main engine except for the abandon-ship and fire in engine room emergency situations.  3. Can you describe an emergency situation you ever encountered on board ships?答: No, I have never met any emergency situation before now.  4. Which machineries and space parts should be under your charge?答: I should be responsible for the main engine, the service pumps for main engine, steering gear, accommodation air condition, provision of refrigerator and the emergency equipments. I should also prepare maintenance reports, fuel oil and lubrication oil samples analysis, inventory report of spare parts, store and spare parts requisitions, etc.  5. Describe the procedure to start a fresh water generator, boiler, emergency generator?答: In case of fresh water generator: (1) Check the valves to make sure that they are in the normal position (2) Open the sea water valves of condenser and supply sea water to heating chamber (3) Start the sea water ejector pump to draw out the vacuum until the heating chamber vacuum reaches 93% (about 700 mmHg) (4) Open the water heating valves and keep the heating chamber temperature around 45 degrees Centigrade (5) When the condensed water reaches a certain level, start the distilled water pump, and keep its pressure no less than 0.2MPa. (6) Start chemical liquid feed pump. In case of automatic。boiler: (1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside (2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time to raise pressure from cold condition) (3) Confirm the boiler water supply pumps are in “Auto” condition (4) Switch on the power supply (5) Put the boiler control switch in “Auto” condition (6) Automatically start the boiler, close the air vent valve while the boiler steam pressure reaches 0.02 MPa. (7) Confirm the boiler can auto stop while it pressure reaches “high limit” (e.g. 0.7MPa)。In case of manual boiler (1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside and put the feed water pump in “Auto” position (2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time raise pressure from cold condition) (3) Put the draft fan in “Manual” position, and make preventive blow to avoid any possible explosion (4) Put the fuel oil pump in “Manual” position (5) Ignite fire by pressing the manual button, if the fire “On”, put valve (6) When the steam pressure reaches to 0.1MPa, close the air vent valve (7) After making sure that everything is in order, the normal burning can be done to make the steam pressure reach required level。In case of emergency generator (1) Check the lube oil level in the crankcase and fuel oil level in the tank all in normal level (2) Check to see if there is any leakage (3) Check the air pressure if the generator is the air-started model; or check the battery voltage to see whether it is normal if the generator is of the battery start model (4) Also make sure there aren’t any obstacles around the machine. (5) Put the test switch in “Manual” position, and manually start it after making sure that above-mentioned items in order (6) If you use “Auto test” model, or “Black out” model to test the emergency generator, you must inform bridge duty officer and Chief Engineer. And you cannot carry it until you get the permit from both of them. Otherwise, you must wait (7) “Auto test” must be carried out once every month. “Blackout” test must be carried out once every 3 months6. When the main engine cannot started by the compressed air, what are the possible causes?答:There may be the following causes (1) Air pressure is too low (2) The turning gear is still engaged (3) There may be operational fault (4) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked (5) No fuel oil due to the fact that the fuel valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running (6) Relative locked due to some safety device actions (7) Air distributor timing has been wrong Etc.  7. When main engine stops after running a while, what are the possible causes? 答:The following reasons may lead to the problem: (1) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked (2) There is no fuel oil because valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running (3) Lube oil pressure is too low, or control air pressure is too low。8. What is the purpose of taking lube oil samples for analysis?答: By analyzing the lube oil sample, we want to know whether the lube oil meets the stipulated standards in viscosity, TBN (total base number), flash point, water contents, mechanic impurities etc.. If impurities (i.e. metals) are found, it means something wrong with the bearing and crankshaft. If the viscosity is lower than the standard, it may mean that fuel oil may have leaked into the lube oil system. Too much fuel oil in the lube oil system can lower the flash point of the lube and also may lead to possible explosion. The important figure is TBN. If the TBN is lower than the standard, it means the loss of the anti-acid ability and this will lead to the moving parts corrosive in the near future.  9. What are the things you need to take note during the handover (before you sign off)? 答:The outgoing First Engineer shall prepare a set of handover notes for the incoming First Engineer and shall ask the incoming First Engineer be familiar with the note contents. One copy of the handover notes with their signatures shall be given to the Chief Engineer for file. In general the handover procedure shall include the following (1) A tour of the engine room, with view of the engines, documents and equipments (2) Discussion on current and future engine and machine’s operation problems, spare part requirement (3) Information on the maintenance work and program (4) Dry dock repair list, if there if any (5) Discussion on the junior engineers or crew’s capacity and personalities (6) Survey status and requirements (7) Store and status of the ship’s safety equipment and machines (8) Current status of the ship’s safety equipments and machines (9) Safety and environment protection procedures and any special requirement by the company and in some areas in the world (10) Disciplinary procedures and management practice in the Engine department (11) Any other matters that the outgoing First Engineer thinks necessary and important After the handover, the two First Engineers should sign all the Handover Checklist as evidence and for files.  10. Before and after any hot works is carried out, what are the safety precautions you take?答: (1) An application of hot work permit must made before this kind of work is done. One copy shall be put on hot work spot, and another copy in ship’s file (2) Make sure that you are suitably equipped and clothed (3) Observe carefully to see whether the weather, and the temperature are fit for firework (4) See whether the fired part and its vicinity have any potential inflammable materials or toxic gases that can arise any fire or poisoning disaster. Make sure that the hot work spot is cleaned and is free from such thins as diesel oil, kerosene, paint, cleaners or thinners. (5) And make sure that you have enough extinguisher equipment available. (6) When the hot work is done, make sure the firemen are standing by for any emergency (7) After the firework is done, check carefully whether any inflammable things are left (8) Ask one or two person to watch carefully for a period time until you are sure that there will not be any inflammation or ignition after you leave the spot.
船员帮 2024-09-05
讨论:中国海员工资涨幅最大! 真的?
报告:中国海员工资涨幅最大!到底是怎么回事?全球航运咨询机构德路里(Drewry)近日出版了一份《海员市场年度回顾与预测报告2024/25》的报告,分析了2017-2024年的海员供应情况。报告得出了以下结论:近年来,在国际航运的主要航海国家中,中国的海员工资增长幅度最大。该报告指出,干散货板块海员的工资增长尤其明显。如上图,中国2021-2024年干散货板块海员工资年平均增长率超过5%,各国家的平均增长率为2%。德路里称,国际商船海员中,中国海员约占总数的 11%。中国一直是第二大海员供应国,且海员供应量还在不断增长。大多数中国海员受雇于中国国内的公司,但已有越来越多的中国高级海员在各种类型的国际船只上工作。德路里还表示,随着中国经济的发展,对熟练劳动力的需求逐渐增大,这导致航运业的雇主不仅要和同行、还要和岸上的雇主竞争劳动力,使得海员的薪资涨幅高于往常。那么,中国海员的工资情况到底是怎样的呢? 
船员帮 2024-06-14
请问在参加船员培训过程中可以请病假或事假吗?经常请假会影响考试吗?A学员在参加培训过程中可以按照培训机构的学员管理制度规范请、销假,但是根据《中华人民共和国船员培训管理规则》第三十条和第三十一条的规定,对培训出勤率低于规定培训课时90%的学员,培训机构不得出具培训证明。因此,对于短期培训学员,缺课可能就会导致本次培训后无法获取培训证明而无法参加考试。即使长期培训,缺课过多也会造成无法取得培训证明,导致无法参加考试。大家还有什么问题想要咨询可以加我们微信17621991825我们非常乐意为您解答!信息来源 | 南京海事
船员帮 2023-10-31
船员帮 2023-09-11
10月8日,国际海事大学联合会2025-2027年度执委会选举会议在美国麻省海运学院举行。新一届执委会委员国际海事大学联合会秘书长Takeshi Nakazawa、世界海事大学校长Maximo Q. Mejia、美国缅因海事学院校长Craig Johnson、罗马尼亚康斯坦察海事大学校长Violeta Ciucur、印度海事教育与培训学院副校长G.Thiruvasagam、澳大利亚海事学院校长代表Stephen Hurd、克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克大学海事学院院长Srđan Vujičić、英国利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学工程学院院长Christian Matthews、大连海事大学校长单红军出席了会议。本次会议的议题是选举产生国际海事大学联合会2025-2027年度主席,以及政策与规划分委会负责人、学术分委会负责人、财务分委会负责人和联络分委会负责人,以及各分委会委员。经选举,校长单红军当选国际海事大学联合会2025-2027年度主席,同时兼任政策与规划分委会负责人。国际海事大学联合会成立于1999年,成员涵盖39个国家的74所知名海事院校及相关单位。联合会致力于培养全球海事专业人才、为成员院校搭建学术交流平台、建立与国际海事组织和海事产业等单位的合作,是目前影响力最广、参与院校最多的海事教育学术组织。
船员帮 2024-10-11
船员帮 2024-12-26
为广大船员朋友们快速办理以下证件:1、海员证2、适任证书3、服务簿,非值班适任证书  4、海事局密码开通、找回5、霍乱、黄热证书(跑外贸航线必备)6、四小证更新,每周开班。到校培训
船员帮 2022-10-14
80“宁化"从欧洲回国,通过苏伊士运河,陈向然船长就敢嚎叫引水员滚出驾驶台,下令水手把引水抬出  假如搁浅撞船与引水无关,是船长责任的,以前中国远洋公司有多牛,80年底吾辈广远“宁化"从欧洲回国,通过苏伊士运河,陈向然船长就敢嚎叫引水员滚出驾驶台,下令水手把引水抬出,把大、二、三付驾助同时上驾驶台,亲自把我轮开出苏伊士锚地,并与当地的港务局、警察局长针针相对,密电请我使馆人员上船解决!
船员帮 2024-07-28
泉州海事院校开班计划 7.09海员培训
船员帮 2024-07-09
培训报名材料需哪些? 身份证原件及正反面复印件,适任证书、服务簿(相片页、现任职务资历页)等证书(如有)的原件及复印件,近期二寸白底免冠照片1张,其他培训机构需要提供的材料等。 船员基本安全培训:指船员在上船任职前接受的个人求生技能、消防、基本急救以及个人安全和社会责任等方面的培训。 船员适任培训:指船员在取得适任证书前接受的使船员适应拟任岗位所需的专业技术知识和专业技能的培训,包括船员岗位适任培训和船员专业技能适任培训。 特殊培训:指针对在危险品船、客船、大型船舶等特殊船舶上工作的船员所进行的培训,分为海船船员特殊培训和内河船舶船员特殊培训。 培训项目有哪些? 图片 船员培训按照培训内容分为船员基本安全培训、船员适任培训和特殊培训三类。船员培训按照培训对象分为海船船员培训和内河船舶船员培训两类。 —《中华人民共和国船员培训管理规则》
船员帮 2021-03-06

船员帮 帮船员

