Did you know that without shipping, we would have limited access to a lot of the food we consume, pharmaceuticals, clothes and consumer goods?你是否知道,如果没有航运,我们的食品、药品、服饰和其他消费品都将面临短缺。BIMCO has launched an initiative to raise awareness about the crucial role of shipping and its seafarers. Help raise awareness by sharing the film below:波罗的海国际航运公会(BIMCO)启动一项倡议旨在提升公众对航运业和船员关键作用的认识,为此制作了一部微电影。“Now is a good time to make decision makers and the public aware of how medicine, food, cars and clothes are transported. Without shipping, life would be different,” BIMCO’s Secretary General and CEO, David Loosley says.BIMCO秘书长兼首席执行官戴维-罗斯列指出,“当下正是让决策者和公众认识到药品、食品、车辆和服饰等是如何被运输的最佳时间。如果没有航运业,生活将是另一番景象”。【BIMCO 公益】 2021年公益微电影 – 讲好国际航运故事At a time when the world stopped当世界按下了“暂停键” Ships kept moving船舶仍在航行 People still shopped人们仍需采购 Ships kept on proving海运仍风雨无阻 The volume of trade that’s moved by sea实际上,海运贸易量 90% of trade, actually占全球贸易总量的90% Crops that are weighed丰收的农作物 Cars that are sprayed崭新的汽车 And it’s easy to seeThe impact this makes 海运带来的影响显而易见 Fruit and vegetables水果和蔬菜 Toys and collectables玩具和收藏品 Wheats and grains小麦和谷物 The blood in the veins Like to land,a farmer is Ships are to the sea船舶之于海洋就像农民之于土地唇齿相依血脉相连 And if the world is the heart如果世界是心脏 Ships are the arteries那么船舶就是动脉 Which stock the pharmacies支持药店的存货 Move essential commodities维系日用品的流通 So there is a lot at stake across these seas所以海运举足轻重