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人事变动 | 中海油重要人事调整!
近日,中海油服发布董事会2024年第五次会议决议公告:董事会同意聘任吴子现为中海油服副总裁。  吴子现简介吴子现,曾用名吴子永,中国国籍,1980 年出生,高级工程师。2003 年毕业于石油大学(华东)石油工程专业,获工学学士学位,后获得挪威斯塔旺格大学海洋科技专业硕士学位研究生学历。2003年7月至2015年1月,历任中海油服钻井事业部实习、学习领班、领班、钻井队长、高级队长、平台经理。2015年1月至2016年1月,任中海油服钻井事业部PT. COSL Well Services总裁。2016年1月至2016年6月,任中海油服钻井事业部副总经理(临时代理)。2016年6月至2017年9月, 任中海油服钻井事业部副总经理。2017年9月至2020年10月,任中海油服印尼公司总经理。2020年10月至2024年11月,任中国海洋石油国际有限公司英国公司副总裁。2024年12月起,任中海油服副总裁。来源:上海证券交易所网站
船员帮 2024-12-25
船员帮 2024-09-18
航运界网消息,泰国宏海箱运(RCL)近日发布2024年三季度业绩。2024年三季度,宏海箱运实现营业收入111.0亿泰铢(约3.1亿美元),同比增长62.9%;三季度净利润为40.9亿泰铢(约1.1亿美元),同比增长593.7%。2024年前三季度,宏海箱运实现营业收入257.1亿泰铢(约7.2亿美元),同比增长26.0%;净利润为58.5亿泰铢(约1.6亿美元),同比增长182.0%。宏海箱运表示,第三季度集运市场继续强劲增长,包括全球经济放缓、持续的地缘政治紧张局势、燃油价格波动加剧、利率降低和运价波动加剧。宏海箱运单箱平均运价从二季度的352美元上涨到三季度的516美元,环比上涨46.6%,而载箱单环比上涨了4%。总体而言,2024年前三季度净利润大幅增长,主要利益于载箱量同比增长12%,单箱平均运价增长11%。宏海箱运成功实施了注重成本的管理战略,同时采用新技术来提高运营效率。此外,宏海箱运对其船队进行了更新和优化,将其服务网络扩展到具有持续增长前景的新市场和高潜力市场。2024年8月,12000TEU新造船“Ussama Bhum”轮交付并投入运营。此外,还有2艘7000TEU集装箱于9月交付,其中前面1艘船“Itthi Bhum”轮已期租给太平船务(PIL),第2艘船“Hemma Bhum”轮部署在RCL的网络运营。根据Alphaliner最新数据,宏海箱运在全球班轮公司运力100强中排名第22,运营36艘共计97640TEU的船队,其中自有29艘,租用7艘。另外,RCL持有12艘总计68046TEU新造船订单,其中包括在黄埔文冲的6艘4400TEU集装箱船,在上海外高桥造船的4艘7000TEU集装箱船,以及在今治造船(Imabari)的2艘12000TEU集装箱船。
船员帮 2024-11-26
船员帮 2024-05-21
Could you give me a brief description of yourself?你可以做一个简短的自我介绍吗?My name is Jack. I am 32 years old. I'm married and have a child. (I am single) I come from Dalian, a beautiful city near the sea. I like reading and playing football. I am a third officer now. I have experience in managing bulk carriers, oil tankers, and container ship.我的名字叫杰克,今年 32 岁,我已经结婚了,并且有一个孩子(我是单身)。我来自大连,一个美丽的海滨城市。我喜欢阅读和踢足球。我目前是一名三副,我有散货船、油轮和集装箱船的工作经验。Please tell us about a favorite port where your ship has called.请谈一下你船曾经挂靠过的最喜欢的港口。Shanghai Port is my favorite port. We called at there in 2018. The port is very big and the city is beautiful. Shanghai is famous in China and in the world. It has more than 80 berths in the port. Many container ships call at this port. Shanghai is famous for seafood and tall buildings. Many foreigners live in Shanghai. It is a modern port.上海港是我最喜欢的港口,2018 年我们挂靠在那儿。上海港很大,城市很漂亮。上海港在中国和全世界都很有名,港内有 80 多个泊位,有很多集装箱船挂靠这个港口。上海因海鲜和高建筑物而闻名。有许多外国人住在上海,上海港是一个现代化的港口。Please say something about your responsibilities on board.请说一下你在船上的职责。I am a third officer. I work on a large container ship. Every day, I keep the watch and check the equipment on the bridge. I will assist the captain when entering or leaving a port. I will assist the chief officer when handling cargo. On board the ship, I’m responsible for life - saving and fire - fighting equipment. I must ensure they are in good condition.我是一名三副,我在一艘很大的集装箱船上工作。每天我都会值班并在驾驶台检查设备。进港离港的时候我会协助船长工作。装卸货物时我会协助大副工作。在船上我负责救生设备和消防设备。我必须保证它们处于良好工作状态。Please say something about your hometown.请谈谈你的家乡。I am from Dalian. It is a city near the sea. It is a famous beautiful city. Many foreigners come here to enjoy holidays. The weather in Dalian is good. The air is fresh. The city is very clean and tidy. There are many tall buildings. People here are very friendly. Dalian is famous for seafood and beer. The port is big and modern. Many ships call at the port every day.我来自大连,它是沿海城市。它也是有名的漂亮城市,很多外国人来这里度假。大连的天气很好,空气很新鲜,城市非常干净整齐,有很多高建筑物。这里的人们非常友好。大连因海鲜和啤酒而闻名,港口很大而且现代化。每天有很多船舶挂靠大连港。How do you like your career as a seafarer?你觉得海员这一职业怎样?I like this career. As a seafarer, I can travel around the world, see beautiful scenery and enjoy the different cultures. I dislike this career because of hard work, bad living conditions, seasickness, homesickness and so on.我喜欢这一职业,作为海员,我可以周游世界、见到迷人的风景、欣赏不同的文化。我不喜欢这一职业是因为工作艰苦、生活条件差、晕船、想家等。Please list some effective ways to manage a multinational crew.举一些跨国船员的有效管理方法。The working attitudes, living habits and languages are different among the multinational crew, so it is difficult to manage the crew members with the native method. The Master and the person in charge of the ship should often discuss with them to improve understanding each other and create a good atmosphere. We should strengthen communication and cooperation between each other and establish good working relationship with other crew members.跨国船员间的工作态度,生活习惯,语言都不同,所以很难用国内思维来管理跨国船员。船长和船舶负责人应当经常和他们进行讨论以增进互相理解,创造和谐的氛围。我们应当增进彼此间交流与合作,船员间建立良好的工作关系。What do you think is the most important thing on board?你认为在船上最重要的事情是什么?I think it is safety.我认为船上最重要的事是安全。What’s your captain’s nationality?你们船长的国籍是哪里?He is from China.船长是中国人。What is your favorite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?It is sea food.海鲜。What do you expect about your future?未来你期望干什么?I want to become a captain in the future.我想成为船长。How do you check the CO2 System?如何检查二氧化碳系统?The CO2 system is the fixed fire fighting system. I do the checks according to the checklist. First, the date of last service, CO2 pipelines and bottles should be checked. The air blow test should be carried out to make sure that the system works well enough. Certificates also need to be checked to make sure they are up to date. The weight of the CO2 in the bottles should be tested at regular interval.CO2 系统是固定消防系统,我根据检查表进行检查。首先,应检查 CO2 管道和瓶的上一次检测日期。应进行吹气试验,以确保系统运行良好。证书也需要检查以确保它们是最新的。按照规定的时间间隔对 CO2 进行称重。How do you ensure the accuracy of navigational charts on board?你如何确保船上航海图的准确性?I regularly update the navigational charts using official sources like nautical chart publishers' updates. I cross - check the information on the charts with the latest navigational warnings and notices to mariners. Also, before each voyage, I verify that the charts cover the intended route and are of the appropriate scale.我会使用官方渠道,如航海图出版商提供的更新,定期更新航海图。我会将航海图上的信息与最新的航海警告和通告进行交叉核对。此外,每次航行前,我会确认航海图涵盖预定航线且比例尺合适。Can you describe the procedures for conducting a lifeboat drill?你能描述一下进行救生艇演练的程序吗?First, an alarm is sounded to notify all crew members. Then, crew assigned to the lifeboats report to their stations. We check the lifeboat's equipment, such as oars, life - jackets, and communication devices. Next, we lower the lifeboat into the water following strict safety procedures. Once in the water, we start the engine (if applicable) and perform basic maneuvers like rowing and turning. After the drill, we hoist the lifeboat back on board and secure it properly, and then report the drill's completion to the captain.首先,发出警报通知所有船员。然后,分配到救生艇的船员前往各自岗位。我们检查救生艇的设备,如桨、救生衣和通讯设备。接着,按照严格的安全程序将救生艇放入水中。一旦下水,如果有发动机则启动,进行划船和转向等基本操作。演练结束后,将救生艇吊回船上并妥善固定,然后向船长报告演练完成情况。What actions would you take in case of a fire on the bridge?如果驾驶台发生火灾,你会采取什么行动?I would immediately sound the fire alarm to alert the entire ship. Then, I'd try to identify the source and type of the fire. If it's a small fire, I'd use the appropriate fire - extinguisher (e.g., a CO2 extinguisher for electrical fires) to extinguish it. If the fire is large, I'd evacuate the bridge, closing all doors and hatches behind me to prevent the fire from spreading. I'd also inform the captain and the engine room, and coordinate with the rest of the crew for fire - fighting efforts according to the ship's fire - fighting plan.我会立即拉响火灾警报,向全船发出警报。然后,我会尝试确定火源和火灾类型。如果是小火,我会使用合适的灭火器(例如,电气火灾用二氧化碳灭火器)灭火。如果火势较大,我会撤离驾驶台,关闭身后所有的门和舱口,防止火势蔓延。我还会通知船长和机舱,并根据船舶的灭火计划与其他船员协调灭火工作。How do you communicate effectively with the engine room during navigation?在航行过程中,你如何与机舱进行有效沟通?We use the ship's intercom system for routine communication, like reporting speed changes, course alterations, or any machinery - related issues observed on the bridge. For more detailed information, we fill out and send written forms, such as engine - order telegraph records. Before any major operation like entering or leaving port, we have pre - departure meetings to discuss the requirements and expectations clearly. Also, in case of emergencies, we have a set of pre - arranged signals to quickly convey critical information.我们使用船舶的对讲机系统进行日常沟通,例如报告速度变化、航向改变或在驾驶台观察到的任何与机械相关的问题。对于更详细的信息,我们会填写并发送书面表格,如车钟记录。在任何重大操作(如进出港口)之前,我们会召开航前会议,明确讨论需求和预期。此外,在紧急情况下,我们有一套预先安排好的信号来快速传达关键信息。What safety precautions do you take when handling dangerous goods on board?在船上处理危险货物时,你会采取哪些安全预防措施?Before loading, I ensure that the storage areas are properly prepared according to the type of dangerous goods. This includes checking for proper ventilation, grounding, and segregation from other incompatible goods. I verify that the crew handling the goods are wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, such as chemical - resistant suits, gloves, and goggles. During loading and unloading, I closely monitor the operations to prevent any spills or accidents. We also have detailed emergency response plans in place in case of a dangerous goods incident, and conduct regular drills to ensure everyone knows their roles.在装载之前,我会根据危险货物的类型确保储存区域准备妥当。这包括检查通风是否良好、接地是否正常,以及与其他不相容货物的隔离情况。我会确认搬运货物的船员穿着合适的个人防护装备,如耐化学腐蚀的防护服、手套和护目镜。在装卸过程中,我会密切监控操作,防止任何泄漏或事故发生。我们还制定了详细的危险货物事故应急响应计划,并定期进行演练,以确保每个人都清楚自己的职责。Can you explain the importance of maintaining proper lookout while on watch?你能解释一下值班时保持正规瞭望的重要性吗?Maintaining proper lookout is crucial for the safety of the ship, crew, and cargo. By keeping a sharp eye on the surrounding waters, we can detect other vessels, navigational hazards like rocks or shoals, and any potential weather changes in advance. This allows us to take timely and appropriate actions, such as changing course, reducing speed, or alerting other ships, to avoid collisions and ensure a safe voyage. Failing to maintain proper lookout can lead to serious accidents with potentially disastrous consequences.保持正规瞭望对船舶、船员和货物的安全至关重要。通过密切关注周围水域,我们可以提前发现其他船只、岩石或浅滩等航行危险以及任何潜在的天气变化。这使我们能够及时采取适当的行动,如改变航向、降低速度或提醒其他船只,以避免碰撞并确保航行安全。未能保持正规瞭望可能导致严重事故,带来灾难性后果。How do you handle a situation where a crew member is injured on board?如果船上有船员受伤,你会如何处理?First, I quickly assess the severity of the injury. For minor injuries like cuts or bruises, I treat them on - site using the ship's first - aid kit, which includes cleaning the wound, applying antiseptic, and dressing it. For more serious injuries, such as fractures or severe bleeding, I immediately call for the ship's doctor (if available) or the designated first - aider. While waiting, I try to keep the injured crew member calm and comfortable, and if necessary, perform basic life - support measures like stopping bleeding or maintaining airway. I also document the details of the injury, including the time, location, and nature of the injury, for future reference.首先,我会迅速评估伤势的严重程度。对于割伤或瘀伤等轻伤,我会使用船上的急救箱进行现场处理,包括清洗伤口、涂抹消毒剂和包扎。对于更严重的伤势,如骨折或严重出血,我会立即呼叫船上的医生(如果有)或指定的急救人员。在等待期间,我会尽量让受伤的船员保持冷静和舒适,必要时采取基本的生命支持措施,如止血或保持呼吸道通畅。我还会记录受伤的详细情况,包括时间、地点和伤势性质,以供日后参考。What are the key points to consider when preparing a passage plan?制定航行计划时需要考虑哪些关键点?When preparing a passage plan, I consider the ship's destination, the intended route, including any waypoints and channels to be transited. I also take into account the ship's capabilities, such as its speed, draft, and maneuverability. Weather conditions, including wind, waves, and visibility, are crucial factors. I check for any navigational hazards along the route, like reefs, shallows, and restricted areas. Additionally, I consider the availability of ports for refueling, resupplying, and seeking shelter if needed. I also ensure compliance with international and local maritime regulations.制定航行计划时,我会考虑船舶的目的地、预定航线,包括要经过的任何航路点和航道。我还会考虑船舶的性能,如速度、吃水和操纵性。天气状况,包括风、浪和能见度,是关键因素。我会检查航线上的任何航行危险,如礁石、浅滩和限制区域。此外,我会考虑是否有可供加油、补给和必要时寻求庇护的港口。我还确保遵守国际和当地的海事法规。How do you check and maintain the ship's navigation lights?你如何检查和维护船舶的航行灯?I conduct a visual inspection of the navigation lights daily, checking for any signs of damage, such as cracked lenses or loose fittings. I also test the lights regularly to ensure they are functioning properly. This includes turning them on during the day (in a safe location) to verify that all bulbs are working. I check the power supply to the lights, ensuring there are no loose connections or signs of corrosion. If any issues are detected, I either replace the faulty components immediately or report the problem to the appropriate maintenance personnel for prompt repair.我每天对航行灯进行目视检查,查看是否有任何损坏迹象,如透镜破裂或配件松动。我也会定期测试灯光,确保其正常工作。这包括在白天(在安全位置)打开灯光,以验证所有灯泡是否正常。我检查灯光的电源,确保没有松动的连接或腐蚀迹象。如果发现任何问题,我会立即更换有故障的部件,或者将问题报告给相应的维修人员以便及时修复。Can you describe the emergency response procedures for a collision at sea?你能描述一下海上碰撞的应急响应程序吗?Immediately after a collision, I would sound the general alarm to alert all crew. I'd assess the damage to our ship, including checking for leaks, structural damage, and injuries to crew. I'd report the situation to the captain and the engine room. If the ship is taking on water, we'd start the emergency pumping systems and try to seal the damaged areas. We'd also establish communication with the other vessel involved in the collision to check on their situation. If necessary, we'd prepare for evacuation, ensuring that all crew have their life - jackets on and are ready to board lifeboats. Meanwhile, I'd gather information about the collision, such as the time, location, and the other vessel's details, for reporting to the relevant authorities.碰撞发生后,我会立即发出通用警报,通知所有船员。我会评估我们船舶的受损情况,包括检查是否有泄漏、结构 damage、以及船员是否受伤。我会将情况报告给船长和机舱。如果船舶进水,我们会启动应急排水系统,并尝试封堵受损区域。我们还会与碰撞的另一艘船建立联系,了解他们的情况。如有必要,我们会准备撤离,确保所有船员穿上救生衣并准备登上救生艇。同时,我会收集碰撞的相关信息,如时间、地点和另一艘船的详细情况,以便向相关当局报告。What measures do you take to prevent piracy attacks during a voyage?在航行过程中,你会采取哪些措施来防止海盗袭击?We implement a series of anti - piracy measures. We keep a proper lookout for any suspicious vessels, especially in high - risk areas. We increase the ship's security by installing barbed wire, anti - climbing devices, and motion - detection sensors. Crew members are trained in anti - piracy procedures, including how to respond if pirates approach. We also maintain communication with nearby ships and maritime authorities, sharing information about any suspicious activities. At night, we keep the ship well - lit, making it more difficult for pirates to approach unnoticed.我们会采取一系列反海盗措施。我们会在航行中特别是在高风险区域保持对任何可疑船只的正规瞭望。通过安装铁丝网、防攀爬装置和运动检测传感器来加强船舶的安全防范。船员会接受反海盗程序的培训,包括在海盗靠近时如何应对。我们还与附近的船只和海事当局保持通信,分享任何可疑活动的信息。在夜间,我们将船舶照亮,使海盗更难在不被察觉的情况下靠近。How do you ensure compliance with international maritime regulations on board?你如何确保船上遵守国际海事法规?I regularly review and update my knowledge of international maritime regulations, such as those from the International Maritime Organization (IMO). I ensure that all ship's equipment, including safety and navigational equipment, meets the regulatory standards. Before each voyage, I check that all certificates and documents are in order and up - to - date. During the voyage, I monitor operations to ensure that they comply with regulations regarding pollution prevention, waste disposal, and crew working hours. I also conduct regular internal audits to identify and correct any non - compliance issues promptly.我定期研习并更新自己对国际海事法规(如国际海事组织(IMO)的规定)的认知。我确保船舶的所有设备,包括安全和导航设备,都符合监管标准。每次航行前,我会检查所有证书和文件是否齐全且为最新版本。在航行期间,我会监督各项操作,以确保其符合关于污染预防、废物处理和船员工作时间的规定。我还会定期进行内部审核,以便及时发现并纠正任何不符合规定的问题 。24. What is your process for conducting a pre - voyage safety inspection?你进行航前安全检查的流程是怎样的?Before a voyage, I start with the navigation equipment. I check the functionality of the compass, radar, GPS, and other navigational aids. Then, I move on to the safety equipment. This includes inspecting life - saving appliances like lifeboats, life - rafts, and life - jackets to ensure they are in good condition and properly stowed. Fire - fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and fixed fire - fighting systems are also carefully examined. I also verify the integrity of the ship's structure, checking for any signs of damage or wear. Additionally, I confirm that all communication systems, both internal and external, are working correctly.航前,我首先检查导航设备。确认罗盘、雷达、全球定位系统(GPS)和其他导航辅助设备的功能是否正常。接着,检查安全设备,包括检查救生艇、救生筏和救生衣等救生用具,确保其状态良好且存放得当。还会仔细检查灭火器、消防水带和固定灭火系统等消防设备。我也会查看船舶结构是否完好,检查有无损坏或磨损迹象。此外,我会确认所有内部和外部通信系统都能正常工作。25. How would you handle a situation where a crew member violates safety regulations?如果有船员违反安全规定,你会如何处理?First, I would immediately stop the crew member from continuing the unsafe behavior. Then, I would have a serious conversation with them to explain why their actions were dangerous and in violation of the safety regulations. I would document the incident, including details such as the time, location, nature of the violation, and the crew member involved. Depending on the severity of the violation, I might issue a formal warning, and if it's a repeated or severe offense, I would report it to the captain, who may decide on further disciplinary actions. At the same time, I would use this as an opportunity to reinforce safety awareness among all crew members through safety briefings or additional training.首先,我会立即制止该船员继续这种不安全行为。然后,和他们严肃交谈,向其解释其行为为何危险且违反安全规定。我会记录该事件,包括时间、地点、违规性质以及涉及的船员等详细信息。根据违规的严重程度,我可能会发出正式警告;如果是屡犯或严重违规,我会向船长报告,由船长决定进一步的纪律处分。同时,我会借此机会通过安全简报或额外培训,强化全体船员的安全意识。26.Can you describe how you manage the inventory of safety - related supplies on board?你能描述一下如何管理船上安全相关物资的库存吗?I maintain a detailed inventory list of all safety - related supplies, including life - saving equipment, fire - fighting materials, and first - aid supplies. Regularly, I conduct physical counts to match the actual quantities with the records on the inventory list. For items with expiration dates, like first - aid medications or some types of fire - extinguisher cartridges, I keep a close eye on the expiration time and replace them in advance. When supplies are used during drills or actual emergencies, I immediately update the inventory list and arrange for replacements. I also ensure that the storage areas of these supplies are clean, dry, and easily accessible.我会维护一份所有安全相关物资的详细库存清单,包括救生设备、消防材料和急救用品。我定期进行实地盘点,确保实际数量与库存清单上的记录相符。对于有保质期的物品,如急救药品或某些类型的灭火器弹药筒,我会密切关注过期时间并提前更换。当物资在演练或实际紧急情况中使用后,我会立即更新库存清单并安排补充。我还确保这些物资的存放区域干净、干燥且易于取用。27. How do you deal with a sudden change in weather conditions during a voyage?在航行过程中,你如何应对天气状况的突然变化?When there's a sudden weather change, I first assess the impact on the ship's safety and the ongoing voyage. If it's a significant weather event like a storm approaching, I immediately inform the captain. We then may adjust the ship's course, speed, or heading to minimize the risk. I would closely monitor the weather forecasts and updates from relevant meteorological services. All crew members would be informed about the situation, and those on deck may be required to secure loose items and prepare for any necessary emergency response. Additionally, I would check the ship's stability and ensure that all watertight doors and hatches are properly closed.当天气突然变化时,我首先评估其对船舶安全和当前航行的影响。如果是像风暴来袭这样的重大天气事件,我会立即通知船长。然后我们可能会调整船舶的航线、速度或航向,以降低风险。我会密切关注天气预报以及相关气象服务机构的最新消息。所有船员都会被告知情况,甲板上的船员可能需要固定松散物品,并为任何必要的应急响应做好准备。此外,我会检查船舶的稳性,确保所有水密门和舱口都已妥善关闭。28.What steps do you take to ensure the proper functioning of the ship's communication systems?你会采取哪些步骤来确保船舶通信系统正常运行?Daily, I perform a basic check of the ship's communication systems, including the VHF (Very High Frequency) radio, satellite phones, and internal communication devices like intercoms. I test the transmit and receive functions, check for any interference or static, and ensure that the antennas are in good condition. Before each voyage, I verify that all communication frequencies are set correctly according to the planned route. I also keep spare parts and batteries on hand for critical components, and regularly update the communication software (if applicable). In case of any malfunctions, I follow the troubleshooting procedures, and if the problem cannot be resolved on - board, I report it to the shore - side technical support as soon as possible.每天,我都会对船舶通信系统进行基本检查,包括甚高频(VHF)无线电、卫星电话和对讲机等内部通信设备。我会测试发送和接收功能,检查是否有干扰或静电,并确保天线状态良好。每次航行前,我会根据预定航线核实所有通信频率设置正确。我还会为关键部件准备备件和电池,并定期更新通信软件(如适用)。如出现任何故障,我会按照故障排除程序进行操作,如果船上无法解决问题,我会尽快向岸上技术支持报告 。29. How do you train new crew members on their safety - related duties?你如何对新船员进行安全相关职责的培训?I start by providing them with a comprehensive safety manual that details all the safety procedures and their specific duties. Then, I conduct on - the - job training, demonstrating how to operate safety equipment like life - saving appliances and fire - fighting gear. I take them through emergency drills, explaining each step and their role in it. I also use visual aids such as safety videos and diagrams to enhance their understanding. Regularly, I quiz them on their knowledge of safety regulations and procedures to ensure they are retaining the information. Additionally, I encourage them to ask questions and share any concerns they may have about safety on board.我首先会给他们提供一份全面的安全手册,详细说明所有安全程序以及他们的具体职责。然后,进行在职培训,演示如何操作救生用具和消防设备等安全装备。我会带他们参加应急演练,解释每个步骤以及他们在其中的角色。我还会使用安全视频和图表等直观教具来加深他们的理解。我会定期对他们进行安全法规和程序知识的测验,以确保他们掌握了相关信息。此外,我鼓励他们提问,并分享他们对船上安全的任何担忧。30.What is your approach to dealing with a potential navigation error?你处理潜在导航错误的方法是什么?If I suspect a potential navigation error, I first double - check all the navigational data sources, such as GPS readings, compass headings, and chart information. I compare the current position with the last known accurate position and any nearby landmarks or navigational aids. If the error persists, I immediately inform the captain and the rest of the bridge team. We may then slow down the ship to allow more time for accurate navigation. I would also cross - reference with other navigation systems on board, if available. If the problem is related to incorrect chart data, I would rely on the latest navigational warnings and consult with shore - based navigation experts if necessary. After resolving the issue, I document the entire process for future reference.如果我怀疑存在潜在的导航错误,我首先会仔细复查所有导航数据源,如全球定位系统读数、罗盘航向和海图信息。我会将当前位置与上一个已知的准确位置以及附近的任何地标或导航辅助设施进行对比。如果错误仍然存在,我会立即通知船长和驾驶台的其他人员。然后我们可能会降低船速,以便有更多时间进行准确导航。如果船上有其他导航系统,我也会进行交叉核对。如果问题与海图数据不正确有关,我会参考最新的航海警告,必要时咨询岸上的导航专家。问题解决后,我会记录整个过程,以供日后参考。
船员帮 2025-01-15
山东理工海员学校开班计划(济宁) 9.3
船员帮 2024-09-03
船员帮 2024-12-03
仅仅还剩几个小时第33届巴黎奥运会即将盛大开幕在贯穿城市的塞纳河边一系列临时搭建的奥运场馆也已整装待发这些明信片上的著名景点如何成为了令人称奇的场馆?一直在建建建……中的奥运地铁16号线“外聘的挖掘专家”来自哪里?关于这届奥运会的更多背后故事请让“中远海运代表队”为您揭秘绝美的地标场馆Olympic Games与以往的奥运会有所不同的本届巴黎奥运会提出“体育融入城市结构中”奥运赛场和城市景观完美融合今年5月中远海运与国内文化行业客户联合启动了巴黎奥运会多媒体展示搭建项目由中远海运集运法国公司、中货公司提供全程物流运输服务这其中就包括了埃菲尔铁塔体育场、战神广场体育馆等5个标志性场地目启动当月中远海运就在国内多地完成集货合计103个托盘的声像设备在上海仓库统一装箱后经中远海运密布全球的航线于7月初,运抵法国勒哈弗尔港期间,中远海运专项团队对供应链各个环节进行了细致推演提前制定好相关物流预案确保了整个项目的万无一失目前所有场馆的设施设备均已调试到位、准备就绪全球的观众将在巴黎最知名地标的下方埃菲尔铁塔体育场看到沙滩排球和盲人足球比赛而附近的战神广场竞技场将举办柔道和摔跤比赛埃菲尔铁塔附近的巴黎奥运会沙滩排球赛场看台图片来自新华网绝佳的奥运转播Olympic Games近日,走在巴黎街头你有可能遇到这样一个画面醒目的“中国红”车队游走在巴黎的街头巷尾法国当地时间7月16日上午由中远海运承运的中央广播电视总台8K高清转播车抵达法兰西体育场完成与奥林匹克转播公司的交接“中国红”车队将在这里进行巴黎奥运会田径比赛和闭幕式的8K国际公用信号制作这将是夏季奥运会历史上第一次提供8K超高清公用信号制作这两台“中国红”转播车于5月31日乘坐“中远海运白羊座”轮从宁波启航,乘风破浪30多天绕行好望角,穿越大半个地球后于7月5日随船靠泊欧洲最大港口——荷兰鹿特丹港后由中远海运欧洲公司安排拖车从陆路运抵法国巴黎绝密的地底故事Olympic Games地铁是巴黎最可靠的交通方式之一在巴黎地铁16号线建设中中国出口的盾构机成为全线贯通“头号功臣”而这两个大家伙的“出海”也是由中远海运荣誉承运
船员帮 2024-07-27
海乘Crew是相对于空乘的一种说法,是指在邮轮上工作的非航海驾驶部门的所有工作人员,正规称呼为邮轮乘务员。 一些国际化的大公司为喜欢享受豪华舒适的海上和沙滩度假的游客,提供一种超大型超豪华的海上交通和娱乐场所——邮轮,而海乘就是被这些国际邮轮公司聘为员工,从事在邮轮上为游客提供高质量的服务的职业。 首先,海乘工作的环境实际上是一个星级酒店的环境、邮轮活动和工作空间较大、每一艘豪华邮轮员工可以达到几百到上千人、客人从几百到几千人不等。 其次、海乘的服务层次、随着更多的邮轮公司看好国内的市场、相继开拓了国内的航线、邮轮更为大家熟悉、更多的有钱人、旅游出行都会选择邮轮这个古老又新鲜的旅游方式、所以就缺少不了为他们服务的人员。而海乘们提供的服务是国际水平的、相当于国际的超五星级别的酒店,所以服务质量和方式相对于空乘的服务有过之而无不及。 用最简单的一句话来概括就是海乘就是在海上邮轮工作的服务员。根据邮轮的层次及等级、可以把海乘分为两个级别、即欧美邮轮海乘、亚洲邮轮海乘。 1、亚洲邮轮,通常所指的是在中国及周边地区国家航行的亚洲国家的邮轮公司旗下的邮轮。 2、欧美邮轮,通常所指的是在欧洲、美洲、及全球航线的欧美国家的邮轮公司旗下的邮轮。 这里不包含国内的渡轮、内陆邮轮、客轮、近海的客滚轮等。
船员帮 2024-01-02
【 跑船啦 】最新船员招聘 - 7月17日
外贸不定线:15000吨福建-台湾船长近期228000吨东南亚机工代三管近期313000吨东南亚 油化船老轨月底月初413000吨东南亚 油化船三管月底月初550000吨散货内外兼营ETO大电7月中下旬633000吨远洋船长(船长老轨中国人)8月底733000吨远洋船长(船长老轨中国人)8月底873000吨甲类内贸线三管近期982000吨远洋实习水手月底1082000吨远洋实习三副月底1118万吨远洋三管英语面试月底月初1221万吨远洋回国新证大厨做服务生 英语面试月底1321万吨远洋回国实习生英语面试月底141100箱位中日韩三副近期151000箱位中日韩大副8月份国内南北线:11000箱位集装箱大副8月份21000箱位集装箱大电8月份31400箱位集装箱新船船长8月份41万总吨滚装船二副近期52万总吨滚装船三副近期
船员帮 2023-07-18
中远海控迎来新高层领导2024年6月21日,中远海运控股股份有限公司(以下简称“中远海控”)召开了第七届董事会第五次会议。在此次会议上,公司通过了多项重要人事任命,朱涛先生和秦江平先生被正式聘任为公司副总经理。朱涛先生的提名及任命经控股股东中国远洋海运集团有限公司推荐,并由中远海控董事会提名委员会审查,朱涛先生被提名为公司执行董事候选人,并提交股东大会审议。朱涛先生的任期自股东大会批准之日起至第七届董事会届满之日止。同时,朱涛先生还被聘任为公司副总经理,任期自即日起至第八届董事会第一次会议召开日期止。朱涛先生简历朱先生,51岁,现任中远海控副总经理,该公司控股子公司中远海运港口有限公司(香港联交所上市公司,股票代号:01199,简称“中远海运港口”)执行董事、董事总经理,风险控制委员会主席及执行委员会、提名委员会、薪酬委员会、投资及战略规划委员会委员;青岛港国际股份有限公司(香港联交所上市公司,股票代号:06198;及上海证券交易所上市公司,证券代码:601298)非执行董事。朱先生于1995年参加工作,历任中远集装箱运输有限公司(简称“中远集运”,现称“中远海运集装箱运输有限公司”)班轮部调度处业务副经理、业务经理,中远集运沿海运输部业务处副处长,中远集运中日贸易区华东华南经营部经理,上海泛亚航运有限公司副总经理、工会主席,中远集运美洲贸易区副总经理,中远集运荷兰公司总经理,中远集运总经理办公室主任,上海泛亚航运有限公司总经理、党委副书记,中远海运集装箱运输有限公司副总经理、党委委员等职。朱涛先生毕业于上海交通大学,获工商管理硕士学位,为经济师。秦江平先生的提名及任命同样在本次会议上,秦江平先生也被聘任为公司副总经理,任期与朱涛先生一致。秦江平先生现年56岁,现任中远海控全资子公司中远海运集装箱运输有限公司职工董事、副总经理,上海远洋运输有限公司董事长。秦先生于1988年参加工作,历任上海远洋运输有限公司船长,上海远洋对外劳务有限公司海事服务中心经理、船员管理部经理、业务部经理,中国远洋运输有限公司组织/人力资源部船员管理室副经理、经理,中日国际轮渡有限公司总经理,上海远洋运输有限公司副总经理、总经理等职。秦江平先生毕业于大连海运学院(现名为大连海事大学)船舶驾驶专业,获工学学士学位,为高级船长。秦江平先生简历秦江平先生,56 岁,现任本公司全资子公司中远海运集装箱运输有限公司职工董事、副总经理,上海远洋运输有限公司董事长。秦先生于 1988 年参加工作,历任上海远洋运输有限公司船长,上海远洋对外劳务有限公司海事服务中心经理、船员管理部经理、业务部经理,中国远洋运输有限公司组织/人力资源部船员管理室副经理、经理,中日国际轮渡有限公司总经理,上海远洋运输有限公司副总经理、总经理等职。秦江平先生毕业于大连海运学院(现名为大连海事大学)船舶驾驶专业,获工学学士学位,为高级船长。叶建平和陈帅的辞任值得注意的是,在此次会议之前,该公司副总经理叶建平先生和陈帅先生因工作岗位变动原因,已向公司董事会递交了辞呈。两位先生的辞任已于2024年6月21日生效。公司董事会对他们在任职期间为公司发展所做的贡献表示衷心感谢。此次人事变动标志着中远海控在高层领导团队上的一次重要调整。朱涛先生和秦江平先生的加入,将为公司的未来发展注入新的活力和动力。
船员帮 2024-06-22
一位舟山海员的心酸, 引起了无数海员共鸣!
我们舟山有句古话,撑船、打铁,磨豆腐,在这三个最苦的行业中撑船排在第一位,国际海事组织曾做出这样的评价,“没有船员的贡献,世界上一半人会受冻,另一半的人会挨饿”,非常形象的揭示了海员的地位和作用。 可我们这群人却被遗忘在“南极洲”了,船员这一职业也是公认的艰苦职业和风险职业,船员的非凡贡献和付出值得我们铭记,但在今天我们海员却还是个弱势群体,曾几何时披着一副光鲜亮丽的外衣,“哇,你是撑船的呀”!“工资蛮高嘛”...可你是否知道船员也分三六九等,5、6个水手的工资才能抵得上一个船长的工资,但说这样话的人你想过没有,你们在企业至少都有养老金,失业保险金,住房公积金,医疗保险等。我们干私企的船员连最起码的养老保险都没有...当你们牵着爱人和孩子的小手漫步在灯光炫丽的街头,我们过的却是妻离子别,看着远处那一座座闪烁的灯塔,数着天上的星星。当你们在享受天伦之乐,举杯共饮的时候,我们也许喝着泛黄的水,睡在像摇篮一样的船上,年轻的海员还要晕船呕吐,辛辛苦苦就算干上10个月,回家休息我们吃的可都是老本啊!还要应付很多大证小证的考试,现在还出台每2年体检一次,昂贵的体检费让我们眩晕,还要付无休止的中介费,各位同仁都知道,现在船务中介机构有多黑...几乎拿走我们一个月的的工资作为中介费...特别是我们做船员干机舱的,噪音加上各种油气的污染,有的破船没日没夜的修理,机器都有“罢工”的时候,可我们海员为了撑起一个家付出的谁又能懂。男人不在家,所有的事情都是女人一个人扛...人是有情感的。生理与心理的平衡是人健康生活的基本条件,也是重要条件。长久的漂泊和独居生活让人如同清教徒一样恪守着自己对另一半的责任与深情,不仅仅只是个人正常的思维与情绪,甚至是身体都会不同程度遭受到严重打击。世界上85%的货物靠海运来完成,只想在这小小的一片地方呼吁各界人士关注我们航海人,都说我们海员有钱,我整整跑了20年,风里来,浪里去,用我的青春谱写了浪花的赞歌,用我的勤劳双手换来家人的温饱,用这整整20年真正的血汗钱,构筑了一个能遮风避雨的家,可我现在还在为“银行打工”... 在这要感谢网友“安格斈”的来稿。身为海员的他们工作枯燥乏味,他们也没有我们想象中的风光,他们用自己的青春和辛劳,只为给家人带来更好的生活。为我们舟山出门在外的船员点个大拇指吧!
船员帮 2023-03-31
船员帮 2024-11-21
船员帮 2024-05-29

船员帮 帮船员

