Rightship检查指南 海员英语
The practical guidance on navigational safety shall include the following:航行安全实用指南应包括下列内容:> Allocation of bridge watch keeping duties and responsibilities.驾驶台值班职责的分配。
>Procedures for passage planning and navigation, including departures from the passage plan.航路规划和航行程序,包括偏离航路图的程序。>Chart and nautical publication update and correction procedures.海图和航海出版物的更新和更正程序。>ECDIS procedure (including chart and software updates).电子海图显示与信息系统程序(包括图表和软件更新)>Procedures to ensure that all essential navigation equipment and main and auxiliary machinery are available and fully operational.确保所有基本导航设备及主要和辅助机械可用并充分运作的程序。>Ship position reporting procedures.船位报告程序。>Accident and near miss reporting procedures.事故和未遂报告程序。>Recording of relevant events and Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) policy.相关事件的记录和航行数据记录仪(VDR)政策。>Use of Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) modes (automatic, manual, on and off) and procedures forensuring correct operation.桥楼航行值班报警系统(BNWAS)模式(自动、手动、开启和关闭)的使用和确保正确操作的程序。>Bridge access and distraction prevention procedures.驾驶台进入和预防分心程序>Procedures for familiarisation and effective handover when crew changes occur.当船员发生变动时,熟悉和有效交接的程序。>Training and drill requirements.训练和演练要求。>A system for identifying particular training needs.一种用于确定特定培训需求的系统。