ABS:American Bureau of Shipping美国船级社
AIS: Automatic Identification System自动识别系统
AMSA: Australian Maritime Safety Authority澳大利亚海事安全局
BAC: Blood Alcohol Concentration血液酒精浓度
BFO: Bunkering Facility Organisation加油设施组织
BLU Code: The Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers《散货船安全装卸操作规则》
BNWAS: Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System桥楼航行值班报警系统
BWM: Ballast Water Management压载水管理
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device自带设备
CAP: Condition Assessment Program条件评估程序
CATZOC: Category Zone of Confidence类别置信区
CBA: Collective Bargaining Agreements集体谈判协议
CBO: Condition Based Overhaul状态检修
CBT: Computer Based Training计算机培训
CCTV: Closed-Circuit Television闭路电视
CMS: Continuous Machinery Survey轮机循环检验
COP: Certificate of Proficiency能力证书
CPA: Closest Point of Approach最接近点
CPP: Controllable Pitch Propeller可调螺距螺旋桨
CRA: Certificate of Receipt of Application申请接收证书
CSM: Cargo Securing Manual《货物系固手册》
CSO: Company’s Security Officer公司保安主管
CSS Code: Cargo Stowage and Securing Code《货物积载与系固安全操作规则》
EEBD: Emergency Escape Breathing Devices紧急逃生呼吸装置
EGTS: Exhaust Gas Treatment System废气处理系统
ENC: Electronic Navigational Charts电子海图
EPIRB: Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon卫星紧急无线电示位标
ESD: Emergency shutdown紧急停车
ERS: Emergency Release System紧急脱离装置
ERC: Emergency Release Coupling紧急脱离阀
ETB: Emergency Towing Booklet应急拖带手册
FML: Flow Moisture Limit流动水分限
FOSFA: Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fat Associations油料、种子和脂肪联合会
GAFTA: Grain and Feed Trade Association谷物及饲料贸易协会
GMDSS: Global Maritime Distress and Safety System全球海上遇险与安全系统
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System全球导航卫星系统
GPS: Global Positioning System全球定位系统
GRB: Garbage Record Book垃圾记录簿
HAZOP: Hazard and Operability Analysis危险与可操作性分析
HDOP: Horizontal Dilution of Precision水平精度稀释
HIMP: Hull Inspection and Maintenance Program船体检查保养计划
HLS: Helicopter Landing Site直升机着陆点
HME: Harmful to the Marine Environment对海洋环境有害
HMSF: High Modulus Synthetic Fibre高模量合成纤维
IACS: International Association of Classification Societies国际船级社协会
IAMSAR: International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and
船员帮 帮船员