The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a militaryoperation targeting the American ship (MAERSK YORKTOWN) in theGulf of Aden, with a number of suitable naval missiles, and the hit was accurate. The Air Force targeted an American warship destroyer in the Gulf ofAden, with a number of drones, and in another operation targeted anIsraeli ship the (MSC VERACRUZ) in the Indian Ocean, with a numberof drones. Both operations have achieved their objectives successfully.
UKMTO报告称,在吉布提港(Djibouti)东南偏东72海里处发生了一起商船事故,MAERSK YORKTOWN轮的船长报告在离船不远的水中发生爆炸,船只和船员报告安全。
据悉,集装箱船MAERSK YORKTOWN轮建造于2004年,运力为2096TEU,悬挂美国旗帜,目前由船公司马士基部署在塞拉莱-吉布提航线上。
船讯网的数据显示,MAERSK YORKTOWN轮于4月20日从塞拉莱港抵达吉布提,并于4月22日晚驶离吉布提港,但该船目前仍在吉布提附近海域锚泊。
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